Our Partners

Women In Surgery

The Women in Surgery organization has been essential in the fund-raising campaign for the Outreach program, they are also assisting the program by providing medical expertise and coordinating with the medical practitioners toward the Outreach program. Their members have also volunteered toward the initiative and their contributions have been critical in meeting the financial and logistical requirements for the Outreach.

Department of Health

Some local doctors have volunteered to be part of the medical Outreach. A partnership would require a joint effort between the local DHMT and the Okavango DHMT. Support in terms of medical equipment and where possible medication. The Doctors, are only available on allocated leave slots. Due to this, it is urgent for us to get them into the village on prescribed dates. It may be several months before another slot can becomes available.

Mack Air

Mack Air has offered a discounted charter rate for the flights. Mack Air has also assisted the initiative by providing seats for our recent Blanket Drive, where 100 blankets were distributed into the community. Their commitment to the cause has been essential. Mack air is also assisting the outreach by providing seat rates and space for any flights heading to Jedibe in the future, for the Outreach program.

Wild Expeditions

The mobile camp will be set up by Wild Expeditions to accommodate the volunteers flying in. Wild Expeditions is to also provide catering services for all the volunteers. The total amount to be paid for the camp is BWP 18 000.00, which has been paid thanks to the support of our donors.

Gabz FM

Gabz fm has aided the initiative by welcoming Doctors in the Delta onto their wellness show. They have committed to help raise awareness of the initiative. We hope to have them join the initiative as our media partner.

Mpho Sebina

The illustrious Mpho Sebina has joined the Doctors in the Delta team as our Brand ambassador, she has committed to assisting us in growing awareness about the cause and has committed her time and efforts and Her art.